This is the home page for Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Church, (ROCOR), Blue River, Wisconsin. We are a small parish in rural southwest Wisconsin, near the beautiful Lower Wisconsin State Riverway. We have been located here in the wilds of Southwest Wisconsin for 30 years. Our pastor is Father Thomas Kulp and our assistant priest is Father Dimitri Kulp.

In 2008 our son, Brendan Kulp, an Iconographer, began accepting private commissions to paint icons of all sizes. His website can be viewed at

We also have a workshop run by our son, Fr. Dimitri Kulp. He builds and sells wooden icon shrines and prepares the gessoed boards that icons are painted on. He also builds many other church and home items, including hand made coffins, here is the link for the workshop website:

Fr. Dimitri also roasts coffee, here is the website link of his roastery for orders: